Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S14 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Narratives about Inheritance.



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 14 The Scribe of The Quran The Qaa'if - an expert on the physicalities of people. Narratives about Inheritance. Zayd (ra) refuses to take an Oath at the pulpit in Al Madina masjid (Surah 22  vv 28 32 Those that hold in high esteem the Signs of Allah SWT comes from the piety of the heart). Zayd (ra) & the 7 sons of Sereen (rah), these 3 have the same mother, these 2 from another mother and these 2 are from a third mother (Ibn Assakir). The case of a skilled Qaa-if, Ayesha (raa) & The Messenger ﷺ.