Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S20 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) participates at Uhud



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 20 The Scribe of The Quran The Hour of Distress, Surah 9 v117. Zayd (ra) participates at Uhud and is given an Egyptian garment, at the time he was 15 and The Messenger ﷺ said, what an excellent youngster. The standard is given to Zayd (ra) as he has knowledge of The Quran. The jurits are 4, Umar, Alee, Zayd ibn Thabit And ibn Masood (raa). 6 give verdicts Umar, Alee, ibn Masood, Zayd, Ubayy & Abu Moosa (raa).  Zayd (ra) surpassed the people in 2 areas, The laws of Inheritance and in The Quran.