Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S19 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - The daughters of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra)



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 19 The Scribe of The Quran The Prodigy Abu Bakr (ra), 'This is the daughter of such a man who was better than I. He was one of the Chiefs on the Day of Aqabah and had attended both Badr then fell as a martyr on The Day of Uhud' (Haakim). The daughters of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra) inherit from their father as Surah Nisa v 11 is revealed. Anas ibn Nadhr (ra) gains a spiritual opening [Kashf] at Uhud, Surah 33 v23.