Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S18 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Saad ibn Rabee (ra)



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 18  The Scribe of The Quran The unmarried Zayd (ra) is sent to look for his future father in-law at Uhud. During the Battle of Uhud, The Messenger ﷺ sends Zayd (ra) [the future son in-law of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra)] to look for Sa'ad (ra), 'If you see him convey ny Salaam to him and inform him that The Messenger ﷺ asks how is he keeping'... May Allah SWT have mercy upon Saad ibn Rabee (ra), he has been sincere to both Allah SWT & His Messenger ﷺ (Haakim). During his reign, Abu Bakr (ra) honours the daughter of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra). Later on, Zayd (ra) married Jameela (raa), her father Sa'ad (ra) was martyred at Uhud whilst her mother was pregnant with her (Ibn Sa'd).