Bel Air Church

When to Hold on and When to Let Go



When to Hold on and When to Let Go: Learning from Israel's exile, the secret of attaching and letting go.Hymns & Songs:`Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee`Lauda Anima? (Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven)`Because of Whose I Am`Blessed Assurance, Jesus is MineSermon Notes:The Exile of Judah to Babylon (586 BCE) The enslavement in Egypt was the evil intentions of human beings, but God's sovereign goodness liberated. The enslavement in Babylon was the people's failures, but, again, God"s sovereign purposes redeems them. Israel's Spiritual Journey and Ours Life is a series of "attachments" and "losses." Learning to "let go" of that which is passing.- Responding to God"s closing chapters.- Refusing to idolize anything.Learning to "hold on to" that which is permanent. - The same God, the same Promises, the same Presence.- Sometimes the "right dream" but the "wrong boat."The Gift of Faith for the Journey Resources for a life of