Bel Air Church

What are the 'Last Days' and Who are the Main Players?



What are the 'Last Days' and Who are the Main Players?: What are the prevalent perspectives on how the world will end? Hymns & Songs:`Lord, Who Throughout`I Will Sing of My Redeemer`Jesus, Remember Me`Create In Me A Clean Heart`O Calvary's LambSermon Notes:The Study of Eschatology (Last Things) Every religion has eschatology - how does it all end? Eastern (Hindu and Bhuddist) Nirvana is the goal through differing worlds of destruction and recreation to get there. Judaism - Daniel's prophecies and the Coming Messiah. Zionist debate: Do we build Israel or is that Messiah's call? Islam - Allah and the great judgement (Jesus - one of the prophets returns, but as a Muslim: Jesus is revered but never worshipped) Christendom's Primary Colors of the Last Days (Think Impressionist's Painting - Broad colors and strokes) The Biblical Divisions This Age The Age to Come The Church Trying to Piece the Biblical Puzzle Together Technically, the "last days" began at Pentecost.