Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Bonus Episode: Can You Promise to Commit to You?



Commitment. Committing to ourselves. It’s so easy as women to advocate and commit to others but when it comes to doing this for ourselves – we back away. Why is that? I believe it’s because we are hard-wired to take care of others. We are also nurtured to do this. We are rewarded as children for doing thoughtful things for others but not for speaking up and asking for what we need or want. We may have even had an experience where we were chastised for asking for what we needed or wanted. When I was growing up making sacrifices for others was always acknowledged and celebrated. And it should be; it’s wonderful. But there is something I believe must come first. There has to be a commitment to you and as much as I cringe saying this because of my conditioning, you have to come first. If you don’t come first everything else will suffer as a consequence. Click to Tweet! I’ve been struggling with this one. I have to be completely transparent that there is a part of me that resists commitment altogether. I sometimes