Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - October 15, 2024 - Mark of the Jews



(6:25) Bible Study: GAL 5:1-6 Father talks about Circumcision’s meaning for Jews LK 11:37-41 What does it mean to be clean? Father explains (21:09) Break 1 (23:42) Letters: Freely you give freely you receive; Father explains what this means. Can you sing songs during the Sabbath meal? What does it mean that John the Baptist is the least in the kingdom of heaven? Father answers these and more. (35:40) Break 2 (36:15) Word of the Day: Foolish (37:51) Phones: Joanna - Women will be saved by childbirth - what does this really mean Nathaniel - The sspx people - are their confirmations are valid? Michael - You say acts was written by Luke but I was taught differently and I disagree. I think it was written by different apostles and compiled together