Movers + Mavericks

Movement and the Search for Meaning - Dhiren Shingadia - Episode 94



This weeks episode we are on the bike, exploring one persons infatuation with the bike, or at least that’s what he was originally thought it was.Turns out it was a vehicle for expression, but not of the ego image that is so often the case. But something deeper, the bike was a support vehicle to connect with what was needed. To grieve the passing of his dad, a big transition in the scheme of life. We spoke to Dhiren half way through this year and this conversation really was a gem. Articulate, and willing to ask questions of himself that many suppress, Dhiren spoke about cycling, the infatuation that occurs when we begin the movement journey of a specific genre (in this case cycling), the addiction of feeling fitter, stronger, more capable and the all too common gentle attrition of the physical self that comes from endurance pursuits.Sports are neutral, inert. It is us that give them a charge be that positive or negative. I fear that we are illiterate and ill prepared in our comprehension of why we move. That