Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S22 - Abu Dharr (ra) - The best charity is the utmost effort from a destitute (Ahmad).



Hadrat Abu Zharr (ra). Session 22 The Ascetic  Wealth My intimate friend ﷺ had promised me that whatever gold, silver or Ooqiyah one has, then it is a firebrand for his owner until he dispenses with it in Allah SWT cause (Ahmad). O Bilal (ra) Do not fear parsimony from the Owner of The Throne SWT for Allah SWT provides the livelihood for each morning (Ahmad). The best charity is the utmost effort from a destitute (Ahmad). Whilst under the shade of the Kaba, The Messenger ﷺ said the ones in great loss are those... 'Who are very rich and well to do. Amongst them only they are safe from loss who spend their wealth openly in the front from behind from the left and the right, but such servants are very few amongst the rich O Abu Zharr (ra)' (Muslim).