Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

Oh Those Hard to Pick Gifts for Spouses. Tales of the “Best” Christmas Gift Ever



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today we’re talking about Christmas gifts and spouses and all the kinds of things that can go wrong when a spouse tries really really hard to finally pick out the best Christmas gift ever. I know I’ve had some epic fails myself when trying to find a great gift for my husband. I remember one year I went to the dentist and while I was under the influence of gas I told the dental tech that I had just figured out my whole Christmas shopping list and I made her write it down as I dictated it. And that’s why my new husband got a crystal pair of swans… because they mate for life and I thought it was a very romantic gift… and somehow even when the effect of the gas wore off I didn’t come to my senses. He was not impressed and I think we were both relieved when his housecleaner broke the swans and we had to throw them away. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit