Sales Heroes

ep # 30-Sales and Branding Must Get Married, and Larry Levine is the Priest



Life changed with Larry Levine when he met his coach.  Branding and authenticity melded to complete his powerful selling style.  Larry was a pharma rep in training who got hooked on selling copiers.  He has a simple philosophy of being authentic and real, while branding and using modern meet-up methods from social media.   "If you help someone, it'll come back to you 10 fold." "If you can't build relationships with someone, it's gonna be real hard to sell them!" "When you're talking to people...CEO, or whatever, just talk to them like they're your friend." "If you can't build an authentic conversation, get out of sales." Super Power: Pitching to the value of the client.  Larry learned to listen after he got "schooled" by a CFO that told him that he was having a 1 way conversation. Book: Not Taught, Jim Keenan Contact Larry- LinkedIn Twitter