Sales Heroes

ep #28 Elyse Archer-Personal Brand SELLS



Elyse Archer of Six Figure Sale Coach, started selling her old toys when she was a little girl.  She had no trouble exchanging products for dollars.  Her career really took off when she came to understand how to put others' needs first, and starting investing heavily in self improvement. Super Power: PERSISTENCE Secret Sauce-the best in sales are always are teaching or connecting. Quotes- "In order to have more, you must become more." "You can have what you want, as long as you help enough other people get what THEY want." Quote-"If you can become a good listener, you can help people solve their problems." "Always look for who you know to connect to someone you know." How can I be valuable to them?"   Book Recommendation The Compound Effect,  Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod Contact: LinkedIn   Contact