Sales Heroes

Ep #20-Robert Hartline-Hacking Sales Opportunity



Adventures of a Sales Dude: Truth & Crazy Stories from the Field.  Meet a shy timid guy who accidentally turned into a salesperson then business owner and now a founder of a tech start-up (CallProof, an app for outside sales people). Super Power:Being out of the box Tips: Don't use valuable selling time on addictive social media.         Try new things in your prospecting and sales calls.         Make people feel important.         Do things you don't feel like doing-like taking a cold shower. Secret of Sales: Rapport building, ask them questions about them. Epic Battle: Selling a crappy product that was always breakingStory You Can't Make Up: Sales call with a sex changed prospect. Book Recommendation: 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene Check out Robert's awesome blog here: Connect with Robert: