Zero To Travel Podcast : National Geographic Type Adventures, Lifestyle Design Like Tim Ferriss Plus Inspiration Like Ted

The Best of International Christmas: Exploring Holiday Traditions Around the World with David and Christy Bock



What if you could travel the world without leaving your kitchen? Several years ago, to expand their children's geographic and cultural knowledge, David and Christy Bock decided to pick a country to learn and cook recipes from once a month. This unique practice has since evolved into a “Christmas Around the World” experience, where they've explored holiday customs and cuisines from 18 different countries.  Explore the Bocks’ inspiring family tradition of celebrating Christmas through the food and customs of cultures around the globe. From Japan's fried chicken Christmas feast to Spain's whimsical "pooping log," this episode is a flavorful and fun exploration of global holiday traditions. You’ll learn how the Bocks turned a simple idea into a meaningful family tradition, discover fascinating and unexpected holiday customs, and get inspired to bring a little international flair to your holiday celebrations.  Whether you're looking for creative family activities or want to explore the world through its festive fl