Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Rabbit News for the end of September



News 9-28-17 Security camera to help police ID rabbit thieves https://www.nyoooz.com/news/chennai/797219/security-camera-to-help-police-id-rabbit-thieves/ Summary: "The two thieves took some time to select fully-grown rabbits , the largest in the enclosure," the officer said. "There may have been someone else involved who sent the juveniles to steal the animals and took them from the thieves. "The culprits walked into the research unit and pulled the rabbits out of their unlocked enclosures," an investigating officer said. "After the research assistant reported that the rabbits were missing, the head of the institution, Prof H Gopi, lodged a complaint with the Guduvancherry police. "They may have been involved in similar thefts earlier, perhaps the stealing of pet animals whose owners did not contact police. Police said a security camera near the enclosure had captured two juveniles as they stealthily filched 11 Russian Chinchilla rabbits and five New Zealand white rabbits from the research lab. Midwest Bun