Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Rabbit Memorial - Sis Cow - Shepherd's Purse - Ancestry - News



Now with Memorial Day in the United States coming up, I wanted to have an episode on rabbit memorials from personal memorials to public memorials and statues. We will also cover Brer Rabbit Fools Sis Cow, A Georgia Folktale.  The Plant of the Week:  Shepard's Purse.  The Word of the Week: Ancestry.  And conclude with the News. We will start with ideas on how to Memorializing a rabbit.  There was a great article by Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed. http://www.pet-loss.net/memorial.shtml I need to emphasize the importance of focusing on positive memories of your rabbit. Remembering the good times that you shared with your rabbit can help counteract the guilt and grief that come with its loss. One way to help yourself focus on those positive memories is to develop a memorial to your pet -- a tribute or reminder that will actively help you access and concentrate on those recollections. Creating such a tribute can be an effective tool to help you cope with grief (though it may certainly produce a few tears in the proces