Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

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The Rabbit's Foot So why are rabbits thought to be lucky? One explanation has to do with their ability to jump, and it’s the reason some folks carry a rabbit’s foot – it represents leaping into the future and moving forward in life.  Others carry a rabbit’s foot to ward off arthritis and rheumatism Experts cannot agree why the rabbit's foot has become synonymous with good luck.  The superstition that a front paw—or a hind paw— of a rabbit can bring good fortune is so old that its origins are lost in the mists of time.  While it may be forgotten exactly why the furry little foot is lucky, the rabbit's foot remains one of the most common of good-luck charms throughout Europe and North America. Hunters believed that the rabbit's foot would bestow the surefootedness of the Rabbit. Those who believe in the superstition don't seem to be able to agree if the foot should be carried in the right pocket or the left. Some insist that it must be the right foot of the rabbit carried in the left pocket or the left foot tu