Brand Spankin'

Brand Spankin' - Episode 005: The Logo



In this episode, host Jason Hewitt shares the history and purpose of some of the most famous and successful logos in the world, as well as a detail of what to consider when you are designing your own logo, and how to create an emotionally compelling brand message that will connect deeply with your ideal customers, while filtering everyone else out. The purpose of this episode is to inspire anyone who is at the beginning of designing a logo, to give them a deeper understanding of the subtelties and nuance of great brand logos, and to connect the story behind those brands to the visual mark that the world will see.  Connecting in this way with an organization's target market will increase the return on investment of any branding project. For more information about branding design or how to create an effective logo and brand identity system, contact Jason Hewitt at or join the Brand Spankin' Facebook group at: