Pb & Jason

Issue 84: Half-off Mutant Simpsons in the Mushroom Kingdom for Pikmin Review-bought DLC



This week's PB & Jason covers a lot of ground. It starts with the shock of a popular two-month-old game that can be found at half its original retail price. It ends with a twisted DLC idea that could become the follow-up to retailer-exclusive DLC. In the middle? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons, PlayBits, New Super Mario Bros. Mii, Pikmin 3, and Nintendo's approach to DLC with the Wii U. To hear the podcast, you'll have to click through to find the podcast's download links. Of course, those with listener mail can always contact me by sending email to jason@pixlbit.com. Come back next Wednesday for Issue 85! I'm sure it'll be next week's best ever PB & Jason, too!