Pb & Jason

Issue 83: A Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is not a Podcast



Good thing, too, since you can find a lot of commentary on gaming news in this week's PB & Jason. Things like the real story of Peter Molyneux's departure from Lionhead Studios. Other things, like Sonic 4: Episode 2's Wii woes. Don't forget information on why Cliff Bleszinski thinks on-disc DLC is a necessary evil! Of course, there is more than all this in PB & Jason 83, but to hear the rest, you'll have to click through to find the podcast's download links. Of course, those with listener mail can always contact me by sending email to jason@pixlbit.com. Come back next Wednesday for Issue 84! I'm sure it'll be next week's best ever PB & Jason, too!