Pb & Jason

Issue 54: First Anniversary Special!



Please note, contents of the celebration issue will be remarkably similar to the contents found inside any other PB & Jason, brief retrospection notwithstanding. After some fun reminiscing of all the rants I've gone on in the past year, this week's PB & Jason kicks into gear with the announcement of all the Nintendo Ambassador NES 3DS Virtual Console Titles! I mention my thoughts on each game, then enter speculation mode, as I rumormonger the reasoning behind the inclusions of Yoshi and Ice Climber on the list! Following this, I discuss a few different news items from the past week or two, including the exclusion of OnLive coupons in GameStop's boxes of the PC version of Deus Ex, the XBLA release of the Gunstringer demo, Little King's Story on the Vita, hacking the 360, and then, even a bit of Xenoblade Chronicles comes up. Wrapping up the true gaming-related discussions, I present an optimistic future for the game Disney Epic Mickey 2. Rumors are, it's on the way, and I believe it could maybe just be poss