Pb & Jason

Issue 17: Love Kinection



Ok! To celebrate the November 4th launch of Kinect, I thought I'd create a podcast that's nearly all about Kinect, like I did with the Move! Unfortunately, I couldn't do that for you. I'd apologize, but Microsoft has placed embargoes on most Kinect information, including game reviews, which made up the bulk of where I got Move information from last time. So, I cobbled together as much as I could, and came out with a very solid Kinect-oriented podcast, with the promise that in the next few weeks, I'll follow it up again for all you holiday and Christmas shoppers. Enjoy it! Like always, you can find the show's (elaborate) notes in the forum thread. I actually ate some Skittles earlier today. Does that count as harming an animal? Some of what you need to know about Kinect. Subscribe to Our Feed! Follow me on twitter! Music by Kathrine Theidy.