Colin Thomson: Do More

032: The Creative Process, and IP in the Live-Streaming Age - Blab Conversation



Key Take Aways:   Give your audience the respect of the best performance of which you are capable, even when the circumstances are less than ideal As educators, we need to make the effort to understand who our students are as individuals, and therefore what songs and pieces will really connect with them Music theory is engaging when it's taught in a practical way. If it is not presented in a way where you can understand how you will be able to use it going forward it, it will be extremely dry, the way that most students tend to think about it Live-streaming apps and services these days introduce a whole "can of worms" for IP laws - but hopefully artists and musicians can not be paranoid of it, but rather use these technologies to grow their audience You often have to come up with 9 bad ideas to find 1 good one. Readjust your expectations accordingly Often narrowing the number of options allows you to be more creative overall Don't edit yourself while your creating. Just allow yourself to create without censo