Colin Thomson: Do More

002: The Modern Classical Pianist with Josh Wright



  Bio: Josh Wright is a classical concert pianist. His self-titled album topped the Billboard Classical Traditional chart just three weeks after its release in 2011. If you go to his website, you’ll see that Josh has won TONS of classical piano competitions, all over the world, appeared with many symphonies, and has released 5 studio albums. In addition to performing, Josh is passionate about teaching. He has broadened his studio through online lessons where he teaches lessons to students on five different continents. He has created a free online piano instructional series to assist piano students of all ages and abilities with various aspects of technique and musicality.  These instructional videos as well as performances by Josh can be found on his website and YouTube Channel. Website: YouTube Key Takeaways: Keep a careful file of all contacts you've done business with in the past, and follow up with them about more possible performances, masterclasses, etc Be open to difference way