Pause. Think. Consider.

Retirement - Pause. Think. Consider.



After 30+ years as a postal carrier for the United State Post Office my Father has finally decided to retire effective June 2017. While it never seemed fathomable, the time has come This episode discusses what retirement means, how to plan for retirement, future plans and a few memories of the past. QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What does retirement mean to you? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Show Notes On the verge of retiring [01:49] Fears of retirement [05:40] Planning for retirement [06:42] Setting and making priorities to ensure you're prepared [07:16] The current routine and sacrifices made [10:00] How the routine will change once retirement starts [12:11] Family time going forward into retirement [13:25] Bucket list items [17:21] Fondest moment during the working years [20:04] People Mentioned Clark Howard