Pause. Think. Consider.

Why Made in the USA is Important - Pause. Think. Consider.



Unfortunately, Made in the USA products are more expensive than products that are made in third world countries. Yet, the environmental impact and labor practices that are followed to produce these third world made products are not considered for so many consumers. This episode analyzes the impact of our purchasing dollar and how purchasing goods Made in the USA, or through resale, can boost our country's economy, reduce the unemployment rate, have a positive impact on our environment and encourage fair worker wages and working environments.  QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What is your thoughts on Made in the USA goods? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Selected Links from the Episode Made in the USA New Balance shoes Leveraging credit cards The True Costs Documentary Made in America Christmas Where Nike products are produced? Jag Jeans Shinola: Made in the USA watches Buying in bulk for spices Allen Edmonds: Made in the USA dress shoes Show Notes