Pause. Think. Consider.

25 Lbs. of Excuses - Pause. Think. Consider.



Too often, in the world of fitness, personal trainers hear excuse after excuse for why we haven't accomplished our personal goals. Instead of finding ways to progress forward, we find reasons to explain the situation we're currently in. This episode discusses why we make excuses, how stubbornness affects us and what we can do to get the body we want. QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What's your favorite motivational speech from sports? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Selected Links from the Episode What is an ectomorphic body type 'Extreme Weight Loss' hosted by Chris Powell Kinobody and the coffee fast diet The amount of land we need to grow the food we consume How the Leptin Diet works What is the Ketogenic Diet? Sugar is the new cocaine The Squatty Potty The fat adaptive lifestyle What is the Hashimoto's Thyroid Greg Glassman and what we need to eat The P90X Workout Routine The Insanity Workout Setting SMART Goals Show Notes A personal