Pause. Think. Consider.

Aligning & Collaborating Your Decision Making Process - Pause. Think. Consider.



Coming to a decision, and the process we go through, is unique for every individual. When individuals have the same process as we do, it makes it an easier process, and when we have a different process it can make it more challenging. This episode examines what types of decision making process we can have, the pros and cons of each and what we can do to ensure we're collaborative regardless of the process we typically take. QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What's your decision making process for making a major decision? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Selected Links from the Episode The Science of Intuition: How to Measure 'Hunches' and 'Gut Feelings' by Cari Nierenberg Gut Almighty by Carlin Flora Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell Show Notes For big major life decisions, Jean Dahlquist uses a gut reaction for her process to decide what to do [04:13] The scientific proof that showcases your ability to use intuition for making decisions [05:35] You come to t