Pause. Think. Consider.

Time is All We Have - Pause. Think. Consider.



  Success and accomplishment is based upon on how much time you're willing to put in. What sacrifices we make with our time is the contingency plan with regards to how you succeed. This episode examines how we're all afforded the same amount of time each and every day, but how we choose to leverage and exchange it is different for each and everyone of us. QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: When was the last time you day dreamed and completely lost track of time? What did you daydream about? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Selected Links from the Episode The Tiger Woods Story Time by The Jerk Show Notes When you're younger, you want time to go quickly [02:19] As milestones become less frequent with getting older, you often wish time would slow down [03:11] I'm going to make up sleep [03:35] We live for weekends the older we get [04:55] The difference in perceptions between being younger and being older [05:24] You have all the time in the world [05:45]