Pause. Think. Consider.

Being An Influencer — Regardless of Your Status - Pause. Think. Consider.



Despite what the social hierarchy and norms say, each and every one of us has the ability to make an impact despite our perceived leadership ability. This episode examines finding the courage to step forward and be an influencer despite your current level, not losing your focus and going up, or down, to have the impact you want to have. QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: When was the last time you day dreamed and completely lost track of time? What did you daydream about? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Selected Links from the Episode The Leap of Faith Management Styles Delivering Happiness Metrocricy Undercover Boss Show Notes The concept of influencing despite the level or status you currently are [02:06] You have to have experience in order to get experience [02:26] How do you gain the experience if you're not given the opportunity? [03:32] It doesn't matter what level you're at [04:22] We actively gravitate towards leaders and follow them regardl