Pause. Think. Consider.

Our Attention Aint What It Used To Be - Pause. Think. Consider.



The information overload we've become accustomed to has scientifically caused some adverse side effects. Our attention spans have decrease by 33% between 2000 and 2013 and is now shorter than a goldfish. This episode examines how our attention spans have decreased and what we can do to increase it. QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: How long in until you start losing focus on today's episode? Please let me know in the comments. Scroll below for links and show notes… Selected Links from the Episode Microsoft Attention Span Research Report Daydreaming is a good thing to help increase our imagination IMDB Top 250 Songs from each decade 8 Quick Ways To Improve Your Attention Span by Stephanie Vozza The Art of Listening Show Notes Study done by Microsoft Canada on attention span [01:47] Average attention span of a human was 12 seconds in 2000 and then dropped to 8 seconds in 2013 [02:32] The average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds long [03:07] Greatest impact on why attention span has de