Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

The Christmas Rabbit



Today we are going to discuss several items that relate to rabbits and Christmas. The first item is a short story by Beatrix Potter that has accompanied illustrations in the show notes. A news article about The rabbits of Christmas past: A present that backfired for Australia. A nice set of treats you can make for your rabbit. We cover the topic of your Bunny and the Holidays. A Narragansett Legend of how Rabbit wishes for snow, which we have covered once before, but it is a fun story, and finally A Time for Giving. THE RABBIT'S CHRISTMAS PARTY by Beatrix Potter The rabbits arrive for the party. On a wet December day, the rabbits gathered for a Christmas party. Rabbits don't like rain, so they wore raincoats. One rabbit brought an umbrella. The room was decorated for Christmas with holly on the walls. When the rabbits sat down to eat, there were not enough chairs. So some rabbits sat on baskets. The rabbits sit down to eat. The rabbits dance a country jig. After dinner, the table was pushed aside, and the r