Quantum Of Friendship

Get Pierced #1 - The Foreigner (2017)



CONTENT WARNING for discussion of racial slurs and bad Ulster accents. You take the director of Goldeneye & Casino Royale, Chinese finance and Netflix distribution, throw in Jackie Chan and THAT is how you make a movie where Pierce Brosnan plays a thinly-veiled Gerry Adams. Transparently-veiled. There basically is no veil in The Foreigner, in which alleged IRA veteran Liam Hennessy, uses alleged contacts, to allegedly stop a radical terror cell. But as Jonathan says, "Jackie Chan is losing his patience with Gerry Adams". To avenge his daughter's death in a London bombing, he torments the IRA with a particular set of skills he has acquired over a long tragic life. Richard is not at ease with Jonathan's discussion of slur words. But if anything, bringing bombs back to Northern Ireland makes Jackie Chan the culturally insensitive one. ...We apologise unreservedly for this one. We're trying a new direction and not just in discussing a Netflix film. We will have a few strands to move between on this podcast. T