Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Polish Rabbit Breed - Koschei the Deathless - Luxury



Polish Rabbit Breed This week we are going to discuss the Polish Rabbit breed. This breed is know as the "Little Aristocrat" as this is a regal little rabbit breed. I found a lot of helpful information about the Polish Rabbit Breed on the American Polish Rabbit Club or APRC website, which we have a link to in the show notes. The Polish Rabbit is a dwarf breed of domestic rabbit, most often bred by fanciers and commonly exhibited in rabbit shows. Again, we come across a breed that sounds like it is from someplace other than what it's name implies, and despite its name, The Polish rabbit originated in England, and not Poland. One of these days, I think I am going to have to list off breeds with a name form one place, but actually come from another, because this is getting crazy now. A few updates, this weekend, Saturday was a beautiful 65 degree day in central Virginia, and I worked on updating my rabbitry hutch system. The first hutches I purchased are starting to need repairs, as the bottoms are rusting throu