Errand Of Mercy

Errand of Mercy Episode 70, 02/01/2014: Welcome to Twenty Farceteen



Intro: I Want You - Scarfo// Hamster Principalities, the first (and hopefully last) Beibernews of 2014, Rob Ford finds Jesus, 2014 predictions, Kevin Smith the 90s stoner Lich, stop trying to pay your rent by playing video games, accidental real talk, G knows exactly the right amount about computers (to break them), Jules Holland is still going and stil weird, telling the kids to stay away from New Years Eve, Adults talking about Lego, Simon knows way too much about Star Wars and no one cares, Tuna Beats by Dr Dre, Simon gets a sudden attack of the feels and the police in New Jersey rack up a 3x combo bonus on DUIs.// Outro: Lippy Kids - Elbow