Rum Doings

Rum Doings Episode 37



We're not really here. We're in the past. In Episode 37 of Rum Doings we're speaking to you from history. We're not discussing whether organic produce is worth the premium for hard-working families. Can you still lie in? Should God save the Queen? Then something I can't bring myself to even type. But we can all see who really has the problem, Nick. Once Nick stops upsetting John with horrible comments, he then criticises John's job. Then criticises his washing machine. Why are John and Nick still friends, despite everything? What's the secret to our parody of success? Nick needs some suggestions for stopping the nasty boys in his neighbourhood on their noisy bikes. John tries to defend GPs. We then argue for more traffic wardens, and Traffic Politeness Officers. And the taint of BMWs. Then we ponder the great debate of our time: how do you deal with a fly in your cake cabinet in Starbucks? And when should you sue a Starbucks? Pencils, handwriting, passports, we cover all the big issues.