Rum Doings

Rum Doings Episode 34



Welcome to Rum Doings 34, what must be the most interrupted podcast of all the podcasts that we have podcasted. This week we're not talking about whether CCTV cameras have made our lives safer. Imbibed is a black cherry soda, which we risk drinking without protective goggles. And then within mere minutes the first phonecall arrives. And a cat. We attempt to explain BP's real crime, and then the phone rings yet again. Listen in to Nick's conversations! Be slightly bemused by what's going on! Don't call John's mum! A period of no interruptions features chat about Richard Herring, ordering wine, and ketchup. And then there's a knock at the front door. We then sniff a baby. Who becomes our very special guest, chattering away into the microphone, so quietly we couldn't hear it ourselves at first. There's some actual content when we talk about DVDs, piracy, and DRM. And why some businesses insist on telling their shareholders how badly they're doing.