Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 59 - Dr. Thomas Hilgers: One Man's Medical Mission



Dr. Thomas Hilgers is a husband and father of five who has enjoyed a highly respected and achievement filled career in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In this episode we talk with Dr. Hilgers about how his first encounter with Pope Paul VI's letter titled Humane Vitae, released in 1968, changed the course of his medical career. Dr. Hilgers recounts how learning about the Church's teaching of human sexuality caused him to develop what would later become the Creighton Model Fertility Care System and NaPro Technology to help couples either achieve or avoid pregnancy at a given time using natural means. He later went on to found the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, NE and shares some beautiful stories from his work with us. We were so humbled to have the opportunity to talk with Dr. Hilgers about his life's work, and know that you will be inspired by all that his "yes" has done for women and their families all across the globe.