Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 54 - Murphy Lierley: Why You Should Care About Marriage Prep (Even if you aren't married!)



Murphy Lierley is the Manager of FOCCUS, Inc. USA at the Archdiocese of Omaha Center For Family Life Formation. Following his wedding the past June, Murphy has developed a renewed focus on the importance of the married vocation, and specifically how couples are being prepared for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Church today. In this episode, he shares what he sees as being similarities and differences between his experience preparing for marriage vs the time he spent as a seminarian in the Diocese of Lincoln. His perspective is fascinating, and both of us left the conversation feeling motivated to do more to equip young couples as they prepare for the married life, and how doing so will positively influence those called to each possible vocation. If you are currently married, single, or a priest/religious, we promise this episode has something for you! Murphy is a wealth of knowledge, and we should probably just go ahead and offer him a regular spot on the show. Be sure to call 877·883·5422 to get the