Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 53: Blake Brouillette - Finding Christ in the Homeless



Blake Brouillette is a Nebraska native who is currently residing in Denver, CO where he works as a missionary with Christ in the City. Christ in the City is an apostolate that serves Denver's homeless population by meeting them where they are at and focusing primarily on knowing and loving these sons and daughters of Christ. Blake shares all about Christ in the City with us, and we were so inspired by the missionaries' daily lives and how truly present they are to what God is calling them to, and how they see God in the homeless they serve. Blake has some beautiful thoughts on seeing the needs of those around us, whether they are materially homeless or not, and ways we can work to be truly present to those placed in our lives in a way that might introduce them to Christ. We had so much fun talking to Blake, and know you will be so inspired by his words.