Sex Posi+ive

Sex and Communication — Episode 2



Talking to your partner can be tough. Talking to your partner about sex can be even tougher.This week Sexologist and Sex Therapist Dr. Reece Malone and I talk about the importance of communication in sexual relationships. We also get into sex education in the school system and whether or not sex ed needs to evolve.— Side note I highly suggest talking to Dr. Reece Malone. He blew my mind multiple times, to quote Kylie Jenner (sorry) this was a time "of just realizing stuff" (yes I also hate that I quoted her but it works). Available on iTunes and on Google Play Music.For more of info about Dr. Reece Malone and his services check out www.reecemalone.comFacebook: Dr. Reece Malone Sex and Intimacy TherapyAlso, check out The Ultimate Pleasure Party on February 24th! Featuring Dr. Reece Malone demonstrating giving yourself or your partner the Ultimate Vulva Massage.