All The Things With Melissa Danielle

What If You Just Punched Him In The Face?



This episode contains explicit language.  I'm tired of talking and reading about sexual harassment and assault and why it's so hard for men to understand that it's unacceptable. So I decided from here on out to explain it to them the best way they understand: Punch him in the face.  If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting the same result, then it's time women reclaim their mental health and the (em)power(ment) that comes with pushing back and stomping down anyone and anything that would dare to treat us less than what we deserve and expect. What my words and facial expression don't get across my fist will make clear. Mentioned in this episode:  Teach Your Daughters to Hit People Who Touch Them Starship Troopers Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry Platform using the Blubrry PowerPress Plugin. Want to reach a larger audience? Podcasting is one of the best ways to build community and your know, like, and trust factor. Get a free month of podcast