Quantum Of Friendship

Get Pierced #4 - Death Train (1993)



This latest instalment of Get Pierced looks at a surprisingly obscure Pierce Brosnan movie. What a highly-rated YouTube comment called "another good train movie". 1993's Death Train also stars Patrick Stewart, Christopher Lee and Buffalo Bill him, her or themselves, Ted Levine. Alexandra Paul of Baywatch fame stars as a feisty modern 90s woman who don't need no man. But there's a man she has to team up with; a Pierce Bros-man who is more sexist in these movies than any of his Bond outings. Together, they solve gender equality and political correctness forever, working under Patrick Stewart's UN Anti-Crime Office, whose prime directive is to stop a train with a nuclear bomb on it from speeding across Europe. Richard ponders whether Bond movies could have a more contained story like this. Jonathan is baffled by Christopher Lee's villainous plan. Lying about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction so a military superpower will invade? What a far-fetched plot. Surprisingly strong action movie though and not one m