Quantum Of Friendship

Now You See Me



It's "Now You See May" with our close look at Now You See Me, the movie where magicians are considered cool for some reason. Enter the world of everyone's favourite iconic character team, the Four Horsemen. There's Jesse Eisenberg playing a Jesse Eisenberg-type. Woody Harrelson playing a Woody Harrelson-type. Dave Franco is a thief and Isla Fisher is an actual witch with unexplained supernatural powers. FBI agent Mark Ruffalo will convincingly hunt them down in a bizarre and inexplicably successful movie. It raises many questions for Richard and Jonathan, questions like; "Why did Dina get more money than Josepha?" "What happened to atheism?" "When were magicians ever considered cool?" "Is Woody Harrelson recurringly transphobic?" "Does Hollywood cynically shoehorn unearned romantic plots into movies?" "How is any of this happening?" And more!