T Gordon Salon Talks

Salon Drama and More with Amy Carter from Empowering You



Amy Carter Owner of Empowering You Coaching talks about Salon Drama & More One of things that is really interesting about Amy Carter is her understated but huge breadth of experience in the salon world. She runs a salon consulting company called Empower you and speaks with owners of different types of salons. She has helped with every conceivable salon crisis.  On top of that she has had multiple salons and currently owns Solaris Aveda in Evansville, Indiana. Amy makes some strong points and expounds on her philosophy:Salons are filled with drama.Drama has a direct impact on the bottom line.Some top performers can sometimes be the most dramatic.It is ok to be Interested vs interesting with the client.Spa techs can be dramatic as well.If I have to think of you more than twice, you are gone.Different clients may want various environments: calm, edgy, etc.Some salon owners are running two pennies together to make ends meet.The laws of supply and demand don’t necessarily apply to this industry.Owners need to