Refuse Defeat With Megan

#001 Introduction to Refuse Defeat



How Refuse Defeat Came About AHHHH — I am so excited to be sharing failures of people that seem to have their sh*& together! Seriously, I hate watching all these people on social media looking like they didn’t want to run away from all their problems at some point. I started Refuse Defeat to share business owner’s failures that almost ended their business! I actually got this great idea from a seminar I attended in the spring of 2018. I will share the name at a later date once I get the seminar host to come on the show ;). I told myself, going into this seminar I am not going to watch from the sidelines and not meet people and just reach out later and hope for the best. So, I waited until the last possible moment to share my win for the event! IT WAS AN AMAZING FEELING. I had the happy shakes and tears (so embarrassing). I was in line at the end of a 3 day seminar getting ready to take my picture with the cool host ever and then this bada$ business woman comes up to me and gives me a hug to tell me how pr