Refuse Defeat With Megan

#002 Focus: Overcome the Fear of Constant Rejection



10 Ideas to Pick Yourself UpI am going to start by saying...100% of people are “salesman” at some point in your life. Whether you like to think of yourself of not in a position of sales, you are. You are selling yourself to the world daily. It can be how you carry yourself - are you confident are you shy? People can read your body language, you may be selling yourself poorly. Even jobs you would never think you are in sales, you are. Example: A stay-at-home mom trying to get a toddler to eat it’s vegetables:This could be a hard sale, you need to finish this because you’ll have strong bones and grow. A negotiation, you’ll get dessert after you finish all your broccoli. Loss of a sale, you just give up on the argument and let them run away broccoli free.  Hearing NO after NO can be daunting (and a huge mood kill), but what if you hear one YES after a day full on NOs? What if that one last conversation is your YES?  Does that seem too perfect? Ok, that’s fine. Let’s be real. If you are selling yourself as desper