This Is Me With Becs Mcneill

This is Me Featuring Marina Pearson



Welcome to This is Me, with me Becs McNeill. In this series I am talking to a range of women about the times in their lives when they have reclaimed or reinvented themselves and how they continue to successfully navigate the choppy waters of change.

The term "identity crisis has always been associated with young adults going through the process of discovering" themselves, or is something that can happen to someone after a period of trauma. However, having worked with some incredible women over the last 9years, to help them navigate the waters of change, it has become apparent to me that, everyday life events can result in many women losing their way, or experiencing role confusion that leads them on a quest to redefine themselves. I think this is potentially a more common phenomenon now than it ever used to be as we are living in a generation of superwomen who play multiple roles simultaneously, and are expected to be all things to all people at all times.