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[Inspire 007] TIM LINK – ANIMAL WHISPERER SHARES HOW TO TALK W/ DOGS & CATS! Inspiration | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help



Want to communicate better with your pet, understand what they’re thinking, help them be happier, and potentially overcome any behavioral challenges? If so then this heartwarming interview with Tim Link, animal whisperer extraordinaire is for you!  Find the secret to talking with your dog or cat. How to hear what they have to say. Learn the best ways to change behaviors, prevent bad ones, and train your animal to truly be your best friend. And vice-versa, to help your animal let you know what he or she wants. You’ll also learn how to be more mindful, present, and meditative with your pet. And how to open your heart and stay in a positive place, and its importance for your dog or cat. You’ll learn how to eliminate their anxiety, and cultivate greater love with your animal. You’ll learn their likes and dislikes, and why they do the strange and funny things they do! You’ll also understand a pet’s passing or dying better, heal old wounds, and learn how you can connect and communicate with your dog or cat on the o